First Course: Kite Control (2 to 4 hours) on the beach
You will learn:
To select the practice area:
-Analyze the practice area: know the wind directions and conditions suitable for practice, distinguish different potential obstacles, assess the state of the water
-Know how to set and fly a small foil kite (Trainer kite)
-Use all security systems
To carry and handle an inflatable kite correctly (ground)
The kite flying basics :
– Understand the basics of kite flying with a trainer kite, know how to launch and land a kite with the help of an assistant, know how to untangle the lines with the kite in the air, be able to walk while flying the kite
– Know the wind window
Control systems :
– Set a kite in 4 or 5 lines with power control system
– Perform equipment pre-flying check and settings before launching the kite and while the kite is flying
Know how to connect and release the main security system (quick release) and safety leash
– Understand and use the international signals
Know how to launch and land a 4/5 lines kite with the help of an assistant.
The power control :
– Control the kite connected to the harness
– Understand the de-power system and how to use security systems : Let go your bar !
Know how to perform advanced controled tasks with the kite and completely control the power systems in flight
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