Kite On, Kite surfing school in Lagoinha Brazil
Non ça n’était pas vraiment ça l’exercice

Waterstart , Phase 3

Photo 1 : No, it was not really that exercise
Photo 2: Much better

Waterstart (2 to 4 hours) with the board

Pre waterstart exercises:
– Know the power needed to perform the waterstart
– Know the safety rules and waterstart theory
Be able to put the feet in the footstraps and keep the kite in the right position for the waterstart
Waterstart :
– Be able to realize a waterstart on both sides and navigate a short distance
Know how to stop in a controlled manner
– Understand the weather , tides, wind effects
– Determine the wind direction , quality and strength
– Know the navigation priority rules
– Know how to choose and prepare equipment depending on weather conditions

Following courses

Ride upwind

– Control the riding speed by edging
Perform  » consistent riding  » in both directions
Perform  » consistent riding  » in both directions including upwind
Ride among other kitesurfers and other water sports enthusiasts and know the priority rules

– Change direction without stopping
– Perform a toe side turn

Self launch
– Identify potential hazards and the area of practice specifics
-Perform a self launch

Basic jump
– Know the theory and safety rules to jump
– land a basic jump
And much more , special courses for advanced riders! (freestyle , wakestyle , strapless )
We offer courses in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish and downwinds for more experienced riders .

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